Friday, October 12, 2007



It's raining heavily and a Mercedes Benz is being pursued by two Mahindra Scorpios along a busy street.Shots are also fired at the Benz but the occupants are protected by the bulletproof windscreens.The occupants inside the Benz is none other than Mumbai politcian,Mahesh Gupta and his driver.After a while,the Benz crashes into a road barrier after avoiding an oncoming truck.Mahesh crawls out of the wreckage and tries to run away.A long-haired,well built man comes out of one of the Scorpios and opens fire at Mahesh.Mahesh slumps to the ground,dead.

The gunman is none other than Nashat Pathan,the feared hitman for Mumbai don,Ghulam Bhai. Ghulam controls everything from the port to the police force.He is a close ally of powerful and corrupt politicians.His arch rival is Narein Bhandarkar.Narein is another mafia don in Mumbai.
He operates his business from his international base in Manama,Bahrain.His movement is led by Mahesh Gupta in India.That is the reason for the elimination of Mahesh by Nashat under Ghulam's orders.Nashat is one of Mumbai's feared men,even by the cops but actually he entered the underworld by chance.He is actually a soft-hearted,young lad.

Nashat Pathan is a medical student in a Mumbai medical college.His life revolves around his family and his close buddies.One day,he witnessed one of his friends being attacked by Mahesh's henchmen in the middle of a Mumbai street .He steps into action and beats up the henchmen.In that incident,he accidentally kills Ravi Gupta,the brother of Mahesh.Mahesh avenges his brother's death by kidnapping his sister and murdering her.Nashat,fuelled by anger confronts Mahesh at his government office.But,he was beaten up by thugs and left to die.His friends rescued him and brought him back home.His father,Irfan Pathan was killed when Mahesh's thugs attacked him while on his way to work.

After losing two beloved people in his family,he decides to venture into the dangerous underworld.He joined Mahesh's rival,Ghulam Bhai's enterprise.At first,he was just an ordinary thug but after a while he was "promoted" to hitman.His aim is to wipe out Mahesh and all the people linked to him.
One of India's top cop,Rahul Ram Chandra is transferred to Mumbai.He is given the task to investigate Mahesh's murder case and nab the killer.This news spread to Ghulam through a cop under his payroll.Ghulam urged Nashat to go into hiding.At first,Nashat objected but later he agreed for the safety of his mom and brother.He sent his mother and brother to Hyderabad while he left India under a fake passport for Brazil.He thought that he is safe but he got it totally wrong.ACP Rahul has discovered that he had escaped to Brazil.....

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